Sunday, July 10, 2011

Scrapbook Pictures and Guestbook Trees

The art bug has finally bitten me again.
This is a recent project.. I got the idea off of Etsy (I wish I could say that I thought of it myself!). It's called a Guestbook Thumbprint Tree. What I did was paint a tree with branches only.. instead of having just a regular guestbook, guest press their thumb on an ink pad and then place a thumb print as a leaf on the tree then they sign their name over it. After all guess have signed the tree will be "in full bloom" and it's a fun/different way to have a guestbook for the wedding. I can make these any size, with any color scheme, and can personalize to fit anything so as always, email me if you're interested (

Also, I recently made this for a nursery! I call these scrapbook photos! These can also be made to fit any color scheme, age, style, etc!

I hope that everyone has had a great summer thus far! August 6th is approaching fast and Tyler and I are SO very excited about the wedding! I have a couple of more projects in mind so I'll try to post results of these ideas before then!
Happy Summer!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've gone Greek, Geek, Sleek... whatever you call it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I've gone greek. Sort of. I wouldn't really know what that's like... I never stay at a college long enough to do anything like that. (Ha)
Point is, I had a few new ideas.. having trouble loading all the pictures but I'll add them once I get it figured out.
For now, here's my latest project. It's a cork board that I spray painted then painted over that. Very simple, fairly cheap to do, and perfect for a college student... so, Happy Birthday Laura, you're the first of my "Greek" projects.

I think this board was 18 x 24 in or something close to that. But they come in all different sizes,, smaller and larger than this one.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Things That Make Winter Bearable.. well, somewhat bearable

Winter is, in my opinion, treacherous. I hate cold weather, I hate cold rain, I hate icy roads, I hate being cold, I hate looking out the window and it looking cold. Sheesh, it's just awful.
However, in an attempt to be a more positive person, I have compiled a list of 10 things that make winter a little better:

1. Cute winter clothes. There's nothing better than a great pair of boots, chic peacoat, or sexy sweater. I LOVE winter clothes. It's so much easier to make complete outfits than summer outfits. Scarves, hats, ear muffs, studded boots, leather jackets.. ahhh.. I can't get enough.
2. American Idol.... auditions. I never watch the whole show but I adore the auditions. They're hilarious and the raw talent that always shows up is so amazing. I've always dreamed of trying out... been waiting 10 seasons to work up the nerve. Eh, maybe next year.
3. Hot chocolate. With marshmallows. Yes ma'am.
4. Fireplaces. One of the best feelings in the world is curling up on the couch, reading a book, in front of the fireplace.
5. Legitimate call in excuses. If you call in to work on a nice summer day and say "cough cough, i'm sick" you're likely to get hung up on because they know you're on your way to the lake. If you call in when it's 27 degrees outside and say "cough cough, i'm sick" the likely reply you'll receive is "Aww, that's really going around. Get better!" Helllooo day laying in bed watching movies. (Not that I would EVER under any circumstances do this!)
6. Award season. Why I myself have never worn a red carpet gown and strutted my stuff for photographers... I feel as though my opinion about others ridiculous or perfect choices is extremely valid. It's red carpet days that i'm sure I should've been a stylist... Brittney Spears please call me, I COULD HELP YOU. You need it girl.
7. Snow days. Oh the anticipation of watching the news with the school closings at the bottom!
Tyler: "What are you doing sitting so close to the TV?" Me: "SHH! They're almost to the U's!" (For UALR of course).
8. Less hair washing/blow drying/straightening. Woke up late or do you simply not feel like messing with the rats nest that is your hair? Throw on a toboggan hat in a cute color or flower thing stuck on it and you're suddenly fabulous!
9. Benton Panther Basketball. My brothers are seniors this year and if I may say so myself they are awesome! Popcorn, airheads, bottled cokes, starburts, pickles (Laci), frito chili pies (Sarah)... we occasionally watch the game! Go Luke and Eddie!
10. Planning Spring Break/Summer getaways. All the googling, saving, day dreaming for the perfect vacation... be it big or small is always so fun. I've got a running list of places I want to visit, it grows longer every year. Italy, Australia, Jamaica, Beliz, Alaska, I could go on for days.. I guess i'll settle for daydreaming to pass the time on cold winter days until I become rich or a gypsy.

I hope everyone is having a great week! Bundle up!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's 2011?

Is it just me or does 2011 feel just like 2010? I can't complain really.
I have a few pics from here and there to post. My camera is MIA so please excuse the poor quality iPhone photos.
Over the holiday I made a few Christmas themed pieces but i'll wait until I find my camera to post those.
For now, here are pics of 3 recent projects. I wouldn't call them "normal" paintings for me but I had some weird creative juices over the break so I just went with them..

On a random note:
I recently purchased a bunch of Christmas decorating supplies. My plan is to decorate houses for people next holiday season. I did a few houses this year but stupidly didn't take pictures. I'm posting 2 pictures from my house that I decorated... all of the pieces I put together. This is my parents house and my mom is pretty traditional so this may be a tad demure for some folks but never fear.. I stocked up on the light blues, lime greens, pink, red, brown, maroon, golds, and others. So I will be able to create anything from an updated traditional tree to an all out modern tree/mantle/door hanging/etc. in any color and as "out there" as you'd like.
I realize it's January but I just wanted to put a bug in everyones ear. I'll post about this again come Sept. or Oct. with pics of the supplies I have.

Wreath I made for Barbie's door